研究發展中心主要由軟件專家組成, 會著重尖端產品和解決方案的技術研究,並根據客戶對智能工廠和工業4.0項目的需求進行定制。研究發展中心將成為ASMPT與其行業夥伴之間交換意見 、知識和進一步合作的橋樑。
李先生繼續說:“集團最近和蘋果、埃森哲、思科、IBM、ACER、 ASE、 SPIL、 ASUS、 Liteon、 PTI、UMC 和 TSMC等台灣及全球其他科技頂尖企業,在2018年獲湯森路透選為全球百大技術領袖之一。作為唯一一家以香港為基地的科技上市公司,本集團在財務表現、創新、投資者信心、聲譽、風險抵禦能力等各方面都擁有堅實的基礎。”
除了能夠為台灣客戶提供直接的實際支持外,大量高素質的工程人才,知名大學和研究機構以及政府的大力支持,也是吸引ASMPT在台灣發展的關鍵原因。ASMPT在全球擁有7個研發中心,除了台灣, 也包括中國(成都),香港,新加坡,德國(慕尼黑),英國(韋茅斯)和荷蘭(伯寧恩)。
About ASM Pacific Technology
ASMPT, founded in 1975, is the only company in the world that can offer high-quality equipment for all major steps in the electronics manufacturing process - from carrier for chip interconnection to chip assembly and packaging to SMT. No other supplier offers a comparable range and depth of process expertise.
ASMPT’s Back-end Equipment Business offers a diverse product range from bonding to molding and trim & form to the integration of these activities into complete in-line systems for the microelectronics, semiconductor, photonics, and optoelectronics industries. Its Materials Business provides customers with a variety of leadframes such as etched and stamping as well as advanced packaging materials. ASMPT’ SMT Solutions develops and sells best-in-class DEK printers for the SMT, semiconductor and solar markets as well as best-in-class SIPLACE SMT placement solutions.