• 第1季度收入19.597億美元,同比增長1%
• 第1季度通用會計準則(以下簡稱「GAAP」)和非GAAP的毛利率為46.8%
• GAAP營業利潤率和非GAAP營業利潤率分別為28.8%和32.2%
• GAAP稀釋每股盈餘為1.03美元,非GAAP稀釋每股盈餘為1.19美元,而去年同期為1.22美元
• 汽車市場收入同比增長38%,佔總收入的50%,創歷史新高
• 汽車和工業終端市場共佔收入的79%,創歷史新高
安森美總裁暨執行長(CEO) Hassane El-Khoury說:「 儘管宏觀經濟存在不確定性,但我們繼續保持勢頭,第一季度的業績超過預期。我們碳化矽(SiC)產能輸出提速超越了內部預期,使我們的碳化矽收入較上季度幾乎翻倍,而由先進駕駛輔助系統(ADAS)和能源基礎設施終端市場帶來的收入均同比增長約50%。在行業大趨勢的推動助力下,我們也在審慎地管理業務,以期在當前的市場環境中提供永續及可預測的結果。」
* Diluted shares outstanding can vary as a result of, among other things, the actual exercise of options or vesting of restricted stock units, the incremental dilutive shares from the Company's convertible senior subordinated notes, and the repurchase or the issuance of stock or convertible notes or the sale of treasury shares. In periods when the quarterly average stock price per share exceeds $20.72 for the 1.625% Notes, $52.97 for the 0% Notes, and $103.87 for the 0.50% Notes, the non-GAAP diluted share count and non-GAAP net income per share include the anti-dilutive impact of the Company’s hedge transactions issued concurrently with the 1.625% Notes, the 0% Notes, and the 0.50% Notes, respectively. At an average stock price per share between $20.72 and $30.70 for the 1.625% Notes, $52.97 and $74.34 for the 0% Notes, and $103.87 and $156.78 for the 0.50% Notes, the hedging activity offsets the potentially dilutive effect of the 1.625% Notes, the 0% Notes, and the 0.50% Notes, respectively. In periods when the quarterly average stock price exceeds $30.70 for the 1.625% Notes, $74.34 for the 0% Notes, and $156.78 for the 0.50% Notes, the dilutive impact of the warrants issued concurrently with such notes are included in the diluted shares outstanding. GAAP and non-GAAP diluted share counts are based on either the previous quarter's average stock price or the stock price as of the last day of the previous quarter, whichever is higher.
** Special items may include: amortization of acquisition-related intangibles; expensing of appraised inventory fair market value step-up; non-recurring facility costs; in-process research and development expenses; restructuring, asset impairments and other, net; goodwill impairment charges; gains and losses on debt prepayment; non-cash interest expense; actuarial (gains) losses on pension plans and other pension benefits; and certain other special items, as necessary. These special items are out of our control and could change significantly from period to period. As a result, we are not able to reasonably estimate and separately present the individual impact or probable significance of these special items, and we are similarly unable to provide a reconciliation of the non-GAAP measures. The reconciliation that is unavailable would include a forward-looking income statement, balance sheet and statement of cash flows in accordance with GAAP. For this reason, we use a projected range of the aggregate amount of special items in order to calculate our projected non-GAAP operating expense outlook.
*** We believe these non-GAAP measures provide important supplemental information to investors. We use these measures, together with GAAP measures, for internal managerial purposes and as a means to evaluate period-to-period comparisons. However, we do not, and you should not, rely on non-GAAP financial measures alone as measures of our performance. We believe that non-GAAP financial measures reflect an additional way of viewing aspects of our operations that, when taken together with GAAP results and the reconciliations to corresponding GAAP financial measures that we also provide in our releases, provide a more complete understanding of factors and trends affecting our business. Because non-GAAP financial measures are not standardized, it may not be possible to compare these financial measures with other companies’ non-GAAP financial measures, even if they have similar names.
安森美(onsemi, 納斯達克股票代號:ON)正推動顛覆性創新,幫助建設更美好的未來。公司專注於汽車和工業終端市場,正加速推動大趨勢的變革,包括汽車功能電子化和安全、永續電網、工業自動化以及5G和雲端基礎設施等。安森美提供高度差異化的創新產品組合以及智慧電源和智慧感知技術,以解決全球最複雜的挑戰,引領創造更安全、更清潔、更智慧的世界。安森美名列《財富》美國500強,也納入標普500指數。瞭解更多關於安森美的資訊,請訪問:http://www.onsemi.com。
安森美和安森美圖標是 Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC的註冊商標。所有本文中出現的其它品牌和產品名稱分別為其相應持有人的註冊商標或商標。