產品系列 |
TXZ4 系列 |
Product group |
M4G Group |
CPU core |
Arm Cortex-M4 |
最高工作頻率 |
160MHz |
內部震盪器 |
10MHz(±1%) *1 |
內建記憶體 |
Flash (code) |
512K to 1536KB |
Flash (data) |
32KB |
130K to 194KB |
I/O port |
91 to 155 |
通訊功能 |
4 to 8 channels |
5 to 9 channels |
I2C |
3 to 5 channels |
Serial memory interface (SMIF) |
1 channel |
1 channel |
12-bit AD converter (ADC) |
Channel input |
16 to 24 channels |
Minimum conversion time |
1.0μs |
8-bit DA converter (DAC) |
2 channels |
先進可程式馬達驅動器 Advanced programmable motor driver (A-PMD) |
1 channel 3-phase complementary PWM output: resolution: 12.5ns
計時器 |
Used as 32-bit timer: 14 channels |
間隔感測器檢測電路 |
1 to 3 units |
長期計時器 |
1 channel |
遠端控制訊號處理器 (RMC) |
1 to 2 channels |
及時時鐘 (RTC) |
1 channel |
計時器 (WDT) |
1 channel |
DMA 控制器 (DMAC) |
43 to 47 channels /3 units |
工作溫度範圍 |
-40 to +85℃ |
電源電壓 |
2.7 to 3.6V |
引腳 |
100 to 177 pins |
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